【111/5/25】線上學術演講:陳志偉 教授(國立中山大學應用數學系)

How to embed a data manifold by using locally linear maps?

陳志偉 教授

Prof. Chih-Wei Chen


Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University


   A data cloud with special pattern can be seen as a submanifold in a Euclidean space and its features can be detected via various dimensionality reduction maps. Mechanisms of some well-known maps, such as LLE and HLLE, will be discussed in this talk. With Dr. Liren Lin, we proposed a Tangential LLE which can capture intrinsic structure of the data manifold while LLE/HLLE fails or is not applicable.


日  期:1115月25日(星期三) 16:10~17:00