Chi-Cheung Poon

Chi-Cheung Poon

office: Room 415

Phone: (05)2720411#66123

Fax: (05)2720497


Specialized Areas

  • Partial Differential Equations


Degree Institution

  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, Rice University


  • Professor


Journal Articles

  1. Chi-Cheung Poon (2019). Blowup rate of solutions of a degenerate nonlinear parabolic equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, no. 10, 5317–5336.
  2. Chi-Cheung Poon (2018, Jun). A heat flow problem from Ericksen’s model for nematic liquid crystals with variable degree of orientation. Communications in analysis and geometry. 26(2):411-433.
  3. Chi-Cheung Poon and Dong-Ho Tsai (2015, May). On a nonlinear parabolic equation arising from anisotropic plane curve evolution. Journal of Differential Equations. Vol.258(7), pp.2375-2407
  4. Yu-Chu Lin, Chi-Cheung Poon, Dong-Ho Tsai (2012, Nov). Contracting convex immersed closed plane curves with slow speed of curvature. Transactions of AMS.
  5. Chi-Cheung Poon (2012, Jun). Blow-up rate for non-negative solutions of an on-linear parabolic equation. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics , 16, no.3, 839-856.
  6. Chi-Cheung Poon (2011, –). Blow-up of a degenerate non-linear heat equation. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics. (SCI).
  7. Chi-Cheung Poon (2011, –). The formation of singularities in the harmonic map heat with boundary conditions.. Taiwanese journal of Mathematics. (SCI).
  8. -C Lin, C.-C. Poon, D.-H. Tsai (2010, –). Contracting convex immersed closed plane curves with fast speed of curvature. Communications in Analysis and Geometry. (SCI).
  9. C. Lin, C.C. Poon, D.H. Tsai (2009, –). Expanding convex immersed closed plane curves. Calculus of variation and PDE, 34; 153-178. (SCI).