Chi-Cheung Poon
office: Room 415
Phone: (05)2720411#66123
Fax: (05)2720497
- Partial Differential Equations
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, Rice University
Journal Articles
- Chi-Cheung Poon (2019). Blowup rate of solutions of a degenerate nonlinear parabolic equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, no. 10, 5317–5336.
- Chi-Cheung Poon (2018, Jun). A heat flow problem from Ericksen’s model for nematic liquid crystals with variable degree of orientation. Communications in analysis and geometry. 26(2):411-433.
- Chi-Cheung Poon and Dong-Ho Tsai (2015, May). On a nonlinear parabolic equation arising from anisotropic plane curve evolution. Journal of Differential Equations. Vol.258(7), pp.2375-2407
- Yu-Chu Lin, Chi-Cheung Poon, Dong-Ho Tsai (2012, Nov). Contracting convex immersed closed plane curves with slow speed of curvature. Transactions of AMS.
- Chi-Cheung Poon (2012, Jun). Blow-up rate for non-negative solutions of an on-linear parabolic equation. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics , 16, no.3, 839-856.
- Chi-Cheung Poon (2011, –). Blow-up of a degenerate non-linear heat equation. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics. (SCI).
- Chi-Cheung Poon (2011, –). The formation of singularities in the harmonic map heat with boundary conditions.. Taiwanese journal of Mathematics. (SCI).
- -C Lin, C.-C. Poon, D.-H. Tsai (2010, –). Contracting convex immersed closed plane curves with fast speed of curvature. Communications in Analysis and Geometry. (SCI).
- C. Lin, C.C. Poon, D.H. Tsai (2009, –). Expanding convex immersed closed plane curves. Calculus of variation and PDE, 34; 153-178. (SCI).