
張守德 副教授

Shou-Te Chang

office: Room 414

Phone: (05)2720411#66101

Fax: (05)2720497

Email:  stchang@ccu.edu.tw / shoute.chang@gmail.com


  • 交換代數 
  • 同調代數 
  • 代數幾何


  • 美國密西根大學安娜堡分校數學博士 (1987/09 ~ 1993/08)
  • 國立台灣大學數學學士 (1983/10 ~ 1987/06)


  • 國立中正大學 數學系 副教授 (1993/08 ~ 迄今)
  • 密西根大學安娜堡分校 數學系 助教 (1987/09 ~ 1993/04)



  1. S.-T. Chang, 1997, “Betti numbers of modules of exponent two over regular local rings”, Jour. Of Algebra, 193, 640-659.
  2. S.-T. Chang, 1997, “Hilbert-Kunz functions and Frobenius functors”, Transactions ofthe A.M.S., vol. 349, no. 3, 1091-1119.
  3. S.-T. Chang, 1999,An algorithm for calculating Betti numbers of manageable modules, Taiwanese Journal Mathematics, vol. 3, no. 3, 367-379.
  4. S.-T. Chang and M. Eie, 2000, An arithmetic property of Fourier coefficients of singular modular forms on the exceptional domain, Transactions of the A.M.S. , vol.353, no.2, 539-556.
  5. S.-T. Chang, 2000, Betti numbers of modules of essentially monomial type, Proceedings of the AMS, vol. 128, no. 7, 1917-1926.
  6. Chang, Shou-Te; Huang, 2012, I-Chiau Continuous homomorphisms and rings of injective dimension one. Math. Scand. 110 (2012), no. 2, 181–197.


  1. S.-T. Chang, 1993, The asymptotic behavior of Hilbert-Kunz functions and their generalizations, special session on Modules and Commutative Algebra for the 880th meeting of American Mathematical Society, abstract.


  1. S.-T. Chang, 1993, The asymptotic behavior of Hilbert-Kunz functions and their generalizations, ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Dept. of Mathematics.


  1. Eie, Minking; Chang, Shou-Te. A course on abstract algebra. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2010. xII+359 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4271-88-2; 981-4271-88-8
  2. Eie, Minking; Chang, Shou-Te. A course on abstract algebra. Second edition of [MR2655460]. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2018. xIII+417 pp. ISBN: 978-981-3229-62-4
  3. Chang, Shou-Te.2024.Advanced Linear Algebra: With an Introduction to Module Theory.World Scientific Pub Co Inc.ISBN:9789811276354.


  1. 以正規局部環為基底的有限長模的結構. 88-2115-M-194-008-. Project Period: 1998/08/011999/07/31.
  2. 關於Horrocks問題(1/2). 89-2115-M-194-013-. Project Period: 1999/08/012000/07/31.
  3. 關於Horrocks問題(2/2). 89-2115-M-194-040-. Project Period: 2000/08/012001/07/31.
  4. 關於以正規局部環的映射值為底的Hilbert-Kunz函數(1/2). 90-2115-M-194-019-. Project Period: 2001/08/012002/10/30.
  5. 關於以正規局部環的映射值為底的Hilbert-Kunz函數(2/2). 91-2115-M-194-005-. Project Period: 2002/08/012003/10/31.
  6. 微分算子環(1/2). 92-2115-M-194-011-. Project Period: 2003/08/012004/07/31.
  7. 微分算子環(2/2). 93-2115-M-194-004-. Project Period: 2004/08/012005/10/31.