
陳孟豁 助理教授

Meng-Huo Chen

office: Room 424

Phone: (05)2720411#66111

Fax: (05)2720497

Email: mchen0326@gmail.com / menghuo@ccu.edu.tw


  • 數值分析
  • 科學計算
  • 深度學習
  • 資料探勘


  • 美國華盛頓大學應用數學博士





1. Chen, M., Greenbaum, A, 2015. “Analysis of an Aggregation-Based Algebraic Two-grid Method for a Rotated Anisotropic Diffusion Problem”, 2015, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 22 (4), pp. 681-701.

2. Chen, M., Bollada, P. C., Jimack, P. K, 2019. “Dynamic Load Balancing for the Parallel, Adaptive, Multigrid Solution of Implicit Phase-Field Simulations”,  International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 16 (2), pp. 297-318.

3. Chen, M., Salama, A., Sun, S., 2019. “The transport of nanoparticles in subsurface with fractured, anisotropic porous media: Numerical simulations and parallelization”,  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 350, pp. 1-18.

4. Chen, M., Sun, S.,2019.“Application of Parallel Aggregation-Based Multigrid to High Resolution Subsurface Flow Simulations”,  International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 16(6), pp. 873-890.

5.Feng, Xiaoyu; Chen, Meng-Huo; Wu, Yuanqing; Sun, Shuyu. A fully explicit and unconditionally energy-stable scheme for Peng-Robinson VT flash calculation based on dynamic modeling”, J. Comput. Phys. 463 (2022), Paper No. 111275, 33 pp.


1. Chen, M., Sun, S., Salama, A., “Advanced Algebraic Multigrid Solvers for Subsurface Flow Simulation”, 2015, Second EAGE Workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream.

2. Chen, M., Salama, A., El-Almin, M., 2016. “Numerical Aspects Related to the Dynamic Update of Anisotropic Permeability Field During the Transport of Nanoparticles in the Subsurface”, Procedia Computer Science, 80, pp. 1382-1391


  1. 流固耦合問題之研究 : 虛擬統一場域方法及其並行運算. 108-2115-M-194 -004 -MY2 -. Project Period: 2019/10/01-2021/10/31
  2. 並行計算在高解析網格模擬中的應用:左心室血液流及多成分可壓縮地下流110-2115-M-194-003-MY2-. Project Period: 2021/08/012022/07/31.
  3. 大腦多孔彈性力學模型之反問題及非局部效應-數學學門重點計畫-大腦多孔彈性力學模型之反問題及非局部效應-子計畫二:平行化計算之設計與研究(1/2). 111-2115-M-194-004-. Project Period: 2022/08/012023/07/31.
