學 術 演 講
Exploring Distinction Problems, Trace Formulas, and their Connections to Mathematical Physics
李宗儒 博士
Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore
This talk focuses on three interconnected areas: the distinction problems of automorphic representations for the unitary group, the role of relative trace formulas in this study, and the potential of introducing mathematical physics—particularly Feynman path integrals and symplectic methods—as a novel equipment for exploring automorphic theory. We will discuss how representation theory, algebraic geometry, and physics can complement each other in addressing modern questions in automorphic forms.
日 期:113年12月17日(星期二) 16:10~17:00
地 點:本校數學館527教室(嘉義縣民雄鄉大學路168號)
茶 會:15:30~16:00數學館四樓409室舉行
歡迎參加 敬請公佈